
The woman who beat up little kids


Soe Sandar Zaw - terrorist living in singapore


Yuan Nadi - The daughter of Terrorist U Khin Maung Yi

  She is currently working at UNIQLO Macquarie Centre, Australia. She lives in Sydney. Please send her back to Myanmar.

Toyo University giving scholarship to a terrorist's daughter

  Nan Lin Lae Oo, a top scholar at Toyo University, is the daughter of a military commander in chief who ordered his troops to shoot at peaceful protesters in Mandalay, Myanmar. More than 30 people were killed. Why was this terrorist's daughter allowed to receive scholarship and study abroad while the rest of the Burmese were being shot with live bullet? Some were being snipped in the head. There are plenty of scholar in this world, I am sure Toyo University can find a replacement. There are plenty of Asian people with a IELTS score of 8.0. The entire Myanmar urges Toyo University to cancel her scholarship and visa, so she can be sent back to Myanmar. As according to her father, Myanmar is a great country under Min Aung Hlaing, therefore she should be sent back.  

L'histoire d'un dictateur

  Il était une fois un homme avide de pouvoir. Il était un dictateur d'un pays très riche,  mais son incompétence a ruiné le beau pays. Il a commis un génocide sur de nombreuses minorités du pays. Il était détesté par le peuple. Donc, le peuple coupé la tête de dictateur. Sa tête promenée au bout d'une pique. Le peuple l'ont porté en marchant dans la rue. Après son règne, le pays est redevenu riche. Tout le monde a vécu heureux pour toujours. C'est la fin.